Reflections – Greater Loneliness, Humility of Arrogance and more



On greater loneliness – The human condition is rife with loneliness. However, the usual descriptions of loneliness have not resonated with me. There exists, I believe, a rare demarcation of it, one that’s more monstrous, painful, and reeks of desolation.

Typically, people experience loneliness in their local context. The people they interact with, the ones in their life. A plan is in place, a next move, a hope for new seeds of connection to be sowed. What if there was no hope?

Consider the global context. What if someone finds themselves detached not only from the people around them but from humanity itself? Perhaps they find solace in rare figures throughout history but that’s it. No matter how hard they try, no horizon seems to catch the eye.

Such is the predicament of the greater loneliness.

The humility of arrogance – What people often consider humility isn’t humility at all. Consider the liberal perspective. Everyone has an opinion and we must respect it. When people speak of something, they start with the phrase – In my opinion. And the reason behind it is clear. Fear. For if you are wrong, or perceived as wrong, there is a way out – But that’s just my opinion.

Ergo, the act of the greatest arrogance. One lacks the humility to make mistakes, the courage to face the pain, and the will to pursue true knowledge.

Paradoxically, the greatest act of humility is maximal arrogance. For if a rational individual is maximally arrogant, they would not discount the possibility of being wrong. Perhaps even ridiculed and humiliated, as a result.

Yet, she holds on to the arguments. For after the battle, when she loses, it’s humility that picks her back up.

A step closer to truth.

Capitalism necessitates Communism – Capitalism, or Perfect Capitalism, is founded on the myth of meritocracy. In a market economy, success is achieved by the most competent. At first glance, we can see how this is blatantly false. Merit is measured by the market. And the market? Controlled by the masses.

For argument’s sake, assume the metric of merit to be objective. After the first generation of capitalism, an unequal wealth distribution will inevitably occur. A minority of people richer than the vast majority. The second generation, and further ones, do not start from the paradise of equal opportunity envisioned if there ever was one. Unfair competition arises, and thus, capitalism negates itself.

Ironically, the only solution might be a communist reset. Perhaps free market enthusiasts might consider a government-mandated financial reset, at the end of each generation.

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